Hello and welcome to my acupuncture and healing blog!
A little bit about me
If you are thinking of having acupuncture I think it is a good idea to know something about the person who will be sticking needles into you. At the end of this post I have included some information about my qualifications so that you can see that I am also properly trained!
I am half Scottish and half Irish. I dance tango and I make sculptures. I have a border collie called Zero and two cats called Phoenix and Jimi. I have lived in Cornwall for the last 21 years apart from 7 years spent near Barcelona. I speak Spanish and Catalan. Sadly I have forgotten how to speak French but plan to put that right one day. I discovered Anthony Trollope late in life and would now say he is my favourite author. I grow vegetables and feed the birds in my garden. I walked a long part of the Camino a few years ago but was forced to stop with an ankle injury. My plan in to return sometime soon to finish the journey.
Practising Acupuncture for half my life
The most important part of my life for the past 30 years has been working with people who need help with some problem in their lives – be it physical, emotional or spiritual.
The main help I can offer is acupuncture which I love as a healing tool because it treats us as whole people with bodies and emotions, hopes and dreams and of course fears and disappointments. Our personal history is important and helps us understand how we arrived where we are today.
Acupuncture has helped me get through some difficult times and deal with some tricky physical symptoms such as asthma and kidney stones. It also has been part of what has kept me as strong and healthy as I am.
I like to dig deep and so the part of my job that I most enjoy is helping people make connections between the symptoms that they arrive with, and the message that their body is trying to express. Past traumas can be stored in the body and stop us flowing through life. Acupuncture helps with that.
I read widely and am always looking for more interesting ways to help people (and that means me too) feel more calm and relaxed, more fulfilled and joyful and more at peace in their lives.
Tools I use
Acupuncture, moxa, healing, massage, diet and lifestyle advice and counselling are all important in my practice.
If this sounds like a path you are also drawn to then please do Sign Up for my blog to read more and if it feels right, contact me to arrange a session.
The Formal Part
1981-1984 First trained in acupuncture in Leamington Spa
1984 Second training in Traditional Chinese Medicine London
1983-1985 Third training in Chinese herbs with Ted Kaptchuk in London
1989 Fourth training in Kanpo (Japanese Herbal Tradition) London
1990 One year counselling course at Westminster Pastoral Foundation
Two years psychotherapy training at Institute of Self Analysis London
Full Professional Liability Insurance Cover with Towergate Insurance